
Employer update 10 2019

Meet the team: Scott Gray and the employer perception survey

Scott Gray

This month we talk to Scott Gray, Pensions Engagement and Development Executive, about his role looking after employers. He spoke to us about the employer perception survey, how you can use it to shape the service we provide and just why it's so important to USS. (We snuck in the quick-fire favourite five too!)

You’re here to talk to us about the employer perception survey … Before you do that can you outline your role for us?

I’m responsible for the development and delivery of the USS employer service proposition, ensuring the views of employers are represented and their needs are understood and catered for. I also chair the Institutions’ Advisory Panel (IAP). As a member of the USS Pensions Business Executive team, I have a number of wider responsibilities, including oversight of the development of new products and services for members.

The employer survey is coming out this week… why is it so important for employers to take the time to complete it?

Employer perception survey

To: Official, Pensions and Contribution contacts

Email: 17 October 2019

Closes: 1 November 2019

More information: Alex Reed, Strategy and Insight Officer

We receive feedback from many employers on a regular basis through our engagement and relationship management teams and through more formal channels, such as the IAP and employer focus groups. However, the employer perception survey is the opportunity for our primary contacts at ALL employers to provide feedback and for us to make sure that the improvements we make are delivering for our employers. We use feedback and ratings from the survey to help shape our service proposition and make sure that we are focussing on the right actions as part of our drive to continually improve the employers’ experience of working with USS. In addition to telling us where and how we could improve, it’s also an opportunity for employers to let us know what they think we’re doing well, in order that we can do more of that!

Talking about improvements – what has happened because of past surveys – does it really make a difference?

Yes, absolutely! Feedback and suggested improvements have played directly into some of our key initiatives. For example, on the back of previous feedback from employers, we overhauled our existing communications, implemented an employer training programme and shortened the timescales for providing retirement quotations. The changes contributed to a significant increase in the subsequent survey ratings covering these areas.

So that’s why employers should complete the survey… what’s in it for USS?!

It’s a great opportunity to better understand employers’ views of their interactions with USS and how they rate their overall relationship with us. I like to think we have a healthy relationship with employers and it appears that most employers agree, with 80% rating their relationship as good or very good as part of last year’s survey. That said, there’s always room for improvement and I’m hoping we’ll have moved a few of the ‘neutrals’ into positive territory this year!

We also use a number of the metrics from the employer perception survey as Key Performance Indicators, which are agreed with and reported to the Trustee Board.

What do you find most helpful about the survey?

Employer perception survey

For me, the comments are particularly helpful, as this is where employers can use the survey to share their own views on ‘how’ we could improve our service, rather than just indicating satisfaction or dissatisfaction through the ratings they award. It also provides useful context to the ratings.

Whilst we fully respect that some employers may wish to remain anonymous when completing the survey, it would help us greatly if employers could indicate who they are when making suggestions, as this will allow us to reach out to them and explore their suggestions further.

While we want to encourage as many employers to participate in the survey as possible they can provide feedback throughout the year…

Of course! We had a good response rate last year and this year we want to increase it again because it is so important, but the survey isn’t the only way for employers to let us know what matters.

If employers have feedback they can always contact Nichola Roane, Client Relationship Manager.

Finally, we always ask for the quick fire favourite five in our Meet the Team interviews…

Film: The Sixth Sense

Musician: Red Hot Chili Peppers

Drink: A Baileys over ice

Food: Sirloin steak

Holiday destination: Barbados