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Leaving or already left

Find out what will happen to your pension and what you need to do next

Your options and next steps

Whether you’re thinking about leaving USS or you’ve already left, it’s important to understand what options are available to you and what happens to your pension after you’ve left.

You can take a look at our retirement checklist for leavers to help you get to grips with how to prepare for your future, and our timeline to retirement will take you through the whole retirement process.

You can also find out how to transfer to another scheme or get a refund. If you choose not to do either of these things when you leave, your pension will stay with USS.

If you’re thinking of leaving, make sure you’re aware of all the benefits you’ll be missing out on before you make a decision. Visit what you pay and what you'll get to find out more.

  • Leavers’ hub

    Find out what happens to your pension once you’ve left but haven’t retired

  • Thinking of leaving

    See what options you have depending on your reasons for leaving USS

  • Your pension after leaving

    Everything you need to know about your benefits and savings after leaving

  • Getting a refund

    Find out if and how you can get a refund

  • Transferring to another scheme

    Find out about transferring your pension elsewhere

  • Retirement checklist for leavers

    Our retirement checklist will help you understand how to prepare for your future.

  • A timeline to retirement for leavers

    You’re no longer paying into your USS pension and you’re approaching retirement. It’s important to know how the process works and how long it takes