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For employers: For investment documents relating to the SIP consultation visit our investment documents page.

Your retirement journey

What happens when you’re receiving your benefits?

Making your money work for you

You’re now receiving your pension and hopefully enjoying your retirement. But it’s still important to make sure your money works for you. Take a look through the information below to help you keep on top of your pension.

Got a question?

Document downloads

  • Retirement hub

    There are some things to be aware of as you receive your benefits and continue life in retirement.

  • Stay connected in retirement

    You can continue being part of the USS community and keep in touch with peers once you’ve retired.

  • What will loved ones and beneficiaries receive?

    To help you keep planning for the future, it’s important to know what will happen to your benefits and savings when you die

  • Your pension in payment

    Keep track of how and when you’ll receive your USS benefits and savings

  • You're flexibly retired

    Understand your benefits and options as you take steps towards full retirement