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  • Get in touch

    Whether you want to top up your pension, view your online account or you haven't found the answer to your query here, you can also contact us.

View our latest news and videos

Member news

  • Tax changes: Lifetime Allowance

    Pensions tax changes currently going through Parliament are likely to see the Lifetime Allowance (LTA) abolished.

  • Should you join or re-join USS?

    Changes to USS pension benefits.

  • How will the changes impact you

    Watch our videos to find out how changes to contributions and benefits could impact you.

Videos for members


  • Our journey to Net Zero

    Here’s your chance to catch up on our latest webinar where you’ll hear from USSIM's Head of Strategic Equities – Innes McKeand and Head of Responsible Investment - David Russell. They talk about why climate change matters for investments, what Net Zero is and how they’re planning to achieve our Net Zero ambition, and of course what this means for members.

  • Focus on Pensions Tax

    This session includes: an overview of benefits - a summary of the key features and benefits of being a member in USS, how USS works – a brief look at how your benefits build up in USS, pension tax – including Annual Allowance, Tapered Annual Allowance, MPAA and Lifetime Allowance, managing tax – including USS specific tax mitigation options like Enhanced Opt Out and Voluntary Salary Cap.
  • Understanding DC

    This session looks at the key features of the Investment Builder (the defined contribution or DC section of USS), how you can build up savings and how you can take your Investment Builder savings. So whether you’ve recently started to save in the Investment Builder, or have been doing so for a while and just want to know more, make sure you register now and join the webinar.

How-to video guides

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