Power of attorney and your USS pension
A lasting power of attorney (LPA) is a way of giving someone you know the ability to make decisions on your behalf if you become unable to do this yourself.
Check your email address is correct so we can keep in touch (use a personal email so we can help you keep on top of your pension if you change jobs or retire)
A lasting power of attorney (LPA) is a way of giving someone you know the ability to make decisions on your behalf if you become unable to do this yourself.
Planning for your future is just as important in retirement as it is during your working life. And knowing your loved ones will still have the financial support they need even after you’ve gone, not only reassures you but can reassure them too.
As a USS member you might be entitled to life cover, so if the worst should happen, your USS benefits could still provide for your loved ones. So we know who you’d like to receive your USS pension and tax-free lump sum, complete an Expression of Wish form.
Pensions tax changes currently going through Parliament are likely to see the Lifetime Allowance (LTA) abolished.
Watch our videos to find out how changes to contributions and benefits could impact you.
After consideration of the responses received to the consultation with affected employees and their representatives, the USS trustee and the JNC have not proposed any modifications to the JNC’s proposed package of benefit and contribution changes.
Read the answers to the key questions on the one-off uplift to benefits.
Capita previously reported a cyber incident involving hackers targeting some of its computer servers. Capita have identified from their investigations that personal data of USS members was exfiltrated (i.e., accessed and/or copied) by the hackers. To help members monitor their personal information for certain signs of potential identity theft, they will be given access to a leading identity protection service, free of charge, and we are writing to them this week setting out how that will work.