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Statement on abusive behaviour

Published: 2 August 2023

We know that when you contact us, the things you have to discuss are very important to you. They are very important to us too. However, we will not tolerate confrontational or persistent calls that result in unreasonable demands on, or unreasonable behaviour towards our staff. This includes:

  • Any form of behaviour that could be considered aggressive, abusive, offensive or threatening.
  • The use of racist, sexist or homophobic language.
  • Any form of discrimination.
  • Behaviour that makes unreasonable demands on our staff. This could be, but is not limited to, unreasonably making repeated phone calls and/or sending repeated emails or letters; repeatedly changing complaints or raising unrelated concerns (genuine new concerns or evidence will be properly considered).

Any unacceptable behaviour directed towards our staff may result in termination of the phone call or if such behaviour persists, we may decide that we are no longer prepared to communicate directly over the telephone and require all future communication to be in writing.