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Your questions answered on the 2020 valuation

We address the main comments and answer the questions members have been asking about the valuation

We recently sent you an email with the latest update on the valuation. This included details of the contribution increase needed to provide the same level of benefits in the future as members are building up now. Since that update, there’s been a lot of comments in the news and social media, some of which is not accurate. So, here we address the main comments and answer the questions members have been asking about the valuation.

These answers are only summaries. If you want more detailed technical information, you’ll find in on the valuation page.

Questions and answers

We appreciate that contribution increases present a significant challenge for members, particularly in the current climate. We want to provide a scheme which is affordable. However, as the trustee, our duty is to ensure the benefits already promised can be paid. We stand ready to support the JNC’s discussions as appropriate.

Published: 9 March 2021