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Views from USS

Latest insights and commentary on current and emerging pension topics written by staff at USS and USS Investment Management Ltd

  • Hindsight 20/20

    As the saying goes, hindsight is 20/20 – and this is particularly salient when reviewing investment performance. The “right” investment decisions are revealed and obvious in retrospect, judged over chosen time intervals. But decisions must be made in prospect, based on expectations, probabilities and risk tolerances.

  • Board Matters: Meet the Board

    The Trustee Board has a crucial role to play in how USS is run – so we asked some of our directors to talk us through its composition and how its decisions are made. We also took the chance to ask them to share their thoughts on the scheme as a whole, gender diversity, and engagement with the Pensions Regulator. You can hear from them directly in these films.

  • Protecting all that is good about USS

    USS plays a key role in supporting the continued success of a sector that is of vital importance to the UK economy.

  • First impressions

    When I was offered the role of Chief Pensions Officer at USS, the high calibre of its people and its commitment to quality and value really appealed to me. Recently, I’ve been reflecting on if and how my initial expectations, shaped from the outside looking in, have been met or changed over the course of my first 100 days in post.

  • Rarity value

    Defined benefit pensions have long been a valued element of the total reward enjoyed by colleagues in the higher education sector.

  • Working at USS

    What makes USS such a great place to work? We asked our colleagues to share their thoughts.

  • From university to USS

    As the principal pension scheme for some of the country’s leading higher education institutions, we asked our colleagues to share their memories of student life and their journey to USS – where they look after the retirements of the people who taught them.

  • An alternative approach to funding pensions?

    Financial markets have been analogous to Spain’s world famous Pamplona bull run over most of the past decade, with equities leading the charge. Born out of the financial crisis, quantitative easing and the search for real returns have engendered an asset price boom

  • Protecting the promises made to members

    Every three years, the Trustee must make judgements about how various expectations and risks will play out over the long-term and the short-term that could influence the scheme’s ability to pay members’ benefits. It must also review whether recent experience has met with previous expectations, and respond accordingly.

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