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Member news

Keep up to date with our regular articles to help you get the most out of your membership

  • Set your communications preferences

    Check your email address is correct so we can keep in touch (use a personal email so we can help you keep on top of your pension if you change jobs or retire)

  • 2020 valuation

    Find out about the 2020 valuation, and a webinar that will bring you more details about how we calculate what contributions we’ll need from members and employers.

  • Developing our investments for our members

    See how we’ve expanded our investments in the Investment Builder to include Private Market Assets.

  • A Christmas message from Bill Galvin

    With Christmas and the New Year just around the corner, our Group CEO Bill Galvin has a message to members.

  • Get the basics right

    Go back to basics and see how your USS pension works so you can get the most out of it.

  • High Court ruling on GMP equalisation an update

    The impact of the High Court ruling on GMP equalisation is being considered by the trustee and our actuarial and legal advisers.

  • The value of being a USS member

    Take a look at the benefits that come with being a USS member and the value this has on your retirement savings.

  • Financial planning – how to maximise your finances

    See how you can maximise your finances – read some top tips for financial planning and consider your short, medium and long term savings goals.

  • Keep your loved ones secure

    Life cover gives you reassurance that your loved ones are looked after – read about this benefit and top tips for nominating beneficiaries.

  • Your pension - your choice

    Whatever stage you're at within your journey to retirement, take a look at what your options are and how you can access your savings.

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